Whether busy with house chores or working outside, ladies who intend to memorize the Quran must manage their time efficiently to reach their ultimate hifz goals in time. There is a smart strategy to apply to focus on the goal you have in mind. Making numerous slots daily, fixing a quiet spot for learning, finishing other tasks before hifz, staying committed all the time, and making a formal hifz group for motivation are some of the crucial tips women must follow.
5 Time Management Tips For Women Committed To Quran Memorization
Here is quran memorization guide that will help for working women who are committed to do Hifz.
1. Making Multiple Slots for Daily Hifz lesson
When it comes to hifz, you need to manage your time excellently to burden yourself less and memorize more. The smart tip here is to allocate multiple slots for the whole day. You can have 2-5 slots (depending on your schedule and availability). Divide the daily lesson into slots and easily memorize small portions in each slot. This way, you feel active and fresh in each slot.
2. Fixing a Peaceful Spot to Focus
To manage your time smartly and complete the daily lessons on time, you have to fix a quiet place in your home where no one distracts you and you can give your undivided attention to your work. Fixing a peaceful area for hifz ensures you are concentrating on your lessons. Whereas, in a gathering of people or near a TV or kids’ room, you will waste your time more and memorize less.
3. Prioritising your Memorization Journey
Hifz must be your 1st priority if you want to memorize Quran fast. To use the available time effectively, you must try to learn the new verses at dawn time to easily revise them anytime in the day. You never know what engulfs you in the middle of the day and you might find yourself unable to learn new lines. It is suggested to make a list of your daily tasks and keep hifz on the top.
4. Refreshing Your Commitment Daily
You have to refresh your intention and commitment to hifz daily. A part of an authentic hadith says:
“Actions are (judged) by motives (intentions), so each man will have what he intended.”
Ladies must revive their intention for hifz and keep themselves committed to their mission. Hifz is a long-term commitment that requires a daily dose of motivation. Otherwise, with boredom lurking in your head, you will waste a good deal of time.
5. Joining a Hifz Group for Ladies for Motivation
Another amazing tip to utilize your management skills smartly and efficiently is to consider joining a formal group of ladies for hifz classes for sisters to motivate each other and be study buddies. The group will help you memorize more lines than required every day just because your friends are trying to do that. In this way, you can spare a slot for revision with your friends where you will recite verse after verse to them and see how well you all have prepared.
Time management is a skill that you have to learn to memorize the Quran at home conveniently. Just try availing of our free trial of online hifz program to see how well we explain to you how to manage your time while doing hifz. Let’s together strive to reach the Hifz goals efficiently and effectively.